by Lynn Paulson | Mar 10, 2018 | Being Her, Culture
I’m a Howler Monkey. Who the Hell Are YOU? I was so young when my parents told me I was adopted, that I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know. My parents always emphasized that being adopted meant that I was wanted. Chosen. They made being adopted...
by Lynn Paulson | Feb 9, 2018 | Being Her, Culture, Feminism
#Can We Have a Moment, Please? The #MeToo movement has stirred the shit. Obviously. Understandably. FINALLY. And there has been pushback. OF COURSE. Most notably there has been pushback in the form of comparisons between “What Harvey Weinstein Did” and “Everything...
by Lynn Paulson | Jan 5, 2018 | Being Her, Who is She?
Who is She? She is a completely unique, energetic expression of the vast universe as a whole, built from stardust, and nothing less. She is precious, because the odds that there is, that there ever has been, or there ever will be, another person exactly like Her are...
by Lynn Paulson | Jan 5, 2018 | Being Her, Feminism
Be Her Now #WTF? Be Her Now is about how you roll in life. Be Her Now is about making Her, that genuine, fabulous, terrifyingly powerful goddess you are inside and the woman you present to the world the same woman. It’s not about being “Authentic.” It’s about being...
by Lynn Paulson | Jan 5, 2018 | Being Her, Choices, Culture, Who is She?
WWSD? The Only Question You Ever Need To Ask WWSD? What Would She Do? That’s right – What Would She Do? When the idea of stepping out boldly and Being Her Now is making you anxious, nervous, scared? Making you hesitate? That’s the only question you need to ask....
by Lynn Paulson | Jan 5, 2018 | Being Her, Choices, Dealing with Fear, Who is She?
Kill Your Inner Mean Girl. She is the voice of sabotage in my head that I’ve been hearing for so long she’s become an entity. My Inner Mean Girl. My I.M. fucking G. And I hate her. I want her dead. She pressures me to be smaller than I am and to be quieter and nicer...