Be Her Now #WTF?

Be Her Now is about how you roll in life.

Be Her Now is about making Her, that genuine, fabulous, terrifyingly powerful goddess you are inside and the woman you present to the world the same woman.

It’s not about being “Authentic.” It’s about being YOUR SELF. There’s a difference.

Be Her Now is definitely not a program to fix your problems. Programming is The Problem. Fuck programs.

Being Her now is a PROCESS.

It’s a course you run in your own way, on your own terms, on your own clock.

You learn how to do it as you go, simply by doing it. By Being Her. By trying that out and seeing how it goes. The learning happens whenever, moment by moment, by being all the Her you can be, day by day, for the rest of your life, basically.

Whenever you remember. Whenever you feel like it.

Just start thinking about it. You can start just by asking yourself one simple question:

What Would She Do? WWSD?.

My philosophy is simple and deeply practical – you are going to get shit for being Her. You are also going to get shit when you are not being Her.

I choose A: Being Her. How about you?

What’s that? What do you get out of it?

How do integrity and peace, sound to you? How about self-love and a level playing field for everyone? A sense of innate worthiness? Greater satisfaction with your life?

You will quickly discover how good that feels.

Be Her Now is a PRATICE, one you can put in place immediately, for Free, without downloading anything. As long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, staying committed to the idea of Being Her Now, even when you stumble, even when you forget to do it, you find out quickly that you can step out of codependence and fear and not die.

You can step out of co-dependence and fear and Be Her Now.  ~LEP~